Enaleia: The First Sustainable Fishing School in Greece – Interview with Lefteris Arapakis
Sustainable Fishing? This topic is very controversial and widely discussed, especially after the documentary „Seaspiracy“. Enaleia is the first school for professional and sustainable fishing in Greece. They offer jobs to unemployed young people and teach them about sustainable fisheries and fishing tourism.
Beyond Turning Off the Lights: 5 Ways to Live Sustainably Everyday
You’ll find hundreds of articles, TV commercials, and documentaries that ask you to cut out everything that is not sustainable, but even doing some of these steps is beneficial. Helping save our fragile ecosystem is not an all-or-nothing pursuit — you can cut out some meat without needing to be 100% vegan.
The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier – Interview with Ian Urbina
Two-thirds of our world’s oceans fall outside any country’s jurisdiction: the High Seas. For his investigations of crime and abuse in this area of lawlessness, Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times journalist and author Ian Urbina travelled across the seas from the Southern Ocean to Somalia, resulting in five long years of dangerous endeavours. His book “The Outlaw Ocean” is a collection of stories from his investigations, personal experiences and interviews with people involved.
As Bracenet is endlessly working to protect the oceans from ghost nets and all of these problems at the High Seas are interconnected, we were eager to learn more. We were lucky to have the chance to talk with Ian Urbina.
Veganuary: Start 2021 with a vegan diet
New Year’s resolutions: First we love them, then we hate them! Many people view the new year as a time for new beginnings and intend to start it as healthily as possible. A conscious diet and a reduction in meat consumption are popular resolutions. However, far too often they fall to the back of the […]
Sustainable Christmas: 24 Gift Ideas
Outside it is getting colder and inside it is getting more and more cosy. Punch, gingerbread & co. find their way back into our shopping baskets and Last Christmas does surprisingly not sound as annoying as last year. What does that mean? Right, Christmas is just around the corner! Like every year, this pre-Christmas season […]
Sharks – the guardians of our oceans are in danger
Sharks – they are the guardians of our oceans and at the top of the food chain at sea. They are vital to our ocean ecosystems but they are in danger. That’s why we partnered up with Shark Allies to protect sharks!
Plastic Free July: 31 tips on how to avoid plastic
It’s Plastic Free July! But you aren’t sure how you can (further) reduce your plastic consumption? We’ll help you with 31 tips on how to say “no” to plastic and develop a positive mindset at the same time. Let’s sea! Why Plastic Free July? It is currently assumed that the amount of plastic waste in […]
Sustainability: nobody is perfect
Once you step into the “eco-bubble”, you will soon be confronted with this sort of “eco-perfectionism”. But be assured: you don’t have to do everything at once to change something!
A Cooperation for the Seas: Q&A with bestselling author Katja Brandis
We love to join forces with others and to achieve greater change together. Our latest cooperation is a prime example, and we gladly want to share our success with you.
Insight into the B-Team
You’ve probably asked yourself before who manufactures your Bracenets – at least when you finally held the lovingly wrapped, new Bracenet in your hands.
I’m Ann-Katrin and have joined the team in March as human resources manager. In this article, I will share with you my experience during the application process, how we interpret leadership, some insights into our team and what Bracenet stands for.
In this article, we introduce you to 7 great documentaries about our oceans. We assure you: after watching these films, you will look at the world with different eyes.
Bracenet and Bridge&Tunnel- Cooperation
Sustainable upcycling with local and fair production, has belonged to our main mission at Bracenet since the start. Now, we have roped together a collaboration with Hamburg label Bridge&Tunnel, who share these same values.
5 Facts you should know about Ghost Nets
Our products like the Bracenets and dog leashes are made out of ghost nets, as you have probably noticed. But what are ghost nets, why are they a problem and why do we use them to create new products? In this article, we will answer these questions in five points.