Net found?

Have you come across a ghost net while diving or on the beach? Are you an employee of a fishery and unsure of what to do with your retired fishing nets? We welcome your contribution to the fight against ghost nets.

Found a fishing net?

    About you

    Important: Data protection is particularly important to us. The data will be used exclusively to contact you for further information about the fishing net.


    I have found the net

    It has a knot distance of mm,

    a knot thickness of mm

    and a total size of m x m.

    *this is how you measure the knot distance


    More info


    If you come across ghost nets in the sea or on land, your personal safety should always be the top priority.

    Please handle the transport of nets with care, and make sure to free any entangled creatures gently right from the start.

    We would be absolutely delighted if the numerous discarded nets don’t end up in a landfill or, even worse, in the sea. Since we are only able to work with HDPE trawl nets at the moment and cannot use all types of nets, we carefully assess whether we can accept the net from you.

    Within 5 business days of your submission, we will provide you with final feedback. You will then receive an address where you can send the net and information on the most sustainable way to ship or arrange for its pickup. To prevent us from accumulating a large amount of netting for which there is currently no method of further processing or recycling, we kindly request that you do not send us nets without prior approval.