Indian Ocean – Turtle Bracenet

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A Bracenet for you, the oceans and sea turtles: every Indian Ocean Turtle Bracenet means one less piece of ghost net – and is also a conversation starter. Spread the message for the protection of the seas and release them from the haunt of the nets: SAVE THE SEAS, WEAR A NET.   Learn more about the non-profit organization Olive Ridley Project.   About the bracelet:
  • Double-row Indian Ocean net
  • made from a piece of former fishing net (HDPE)
  • Approx. 2 x 4 mm diameter
  • Extra thick magnetic clasp (6mm) made of stainless steel for a secure hold in black matt or rose gold with Bracenet logo
  • with a turtle pendant from the Olive Ridley Project (in either black or rose gold)
  • every product is unique and may differ slightly from the pictures
  • Nickel-free, waterproof & rustproof
  • Net salvaged, environmentally friendly cleaned
  • Handmade in Hamburg
  • upcycling bracelet made from a real piece of fishing net and magnetic clasp
  • knots and colour are from the real net
  For every Olive Ridley Bracenet sold, we donate €2 to the Olive Ridley Project.   Many thanks to our partners:   We regularly donate to Healthy Seas to fund salvage missions as well as preventative measures and support many other projects to protect the oceans and marine animals.

Additional information

Weight 0,02 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 1 cm

XS (17 cm), S (19 cm), M (21 cm), L (22 cm), custom size


magnetic clasp rosé gold, magnetic clasp black

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© ORP (Olive Ridley Project) / Alex Mustard

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Saved turtles

Olive Ridley Project


Heidi, another Olive Ridley sea turtle, has been in the care of the ORP since April 2018. He was found entangled in a big ghost nest with deep older wounds to both front flippers, his humerus bones were visible, and several muscles were severed. The ORP had to amputate one of his front flippers and the remaining flipper was not functional as it had sustained significant damage. Hardly a problem for Heidi! Heidi recovered pretty quickly and turned into quite the acrobat, swimming well with only his two back flippers, performing dives and turning upside down to catch pieces of fish. However, Heidi cannot be released into the wild with no functioning front flippers. Luckily, Heidi has found a perfect forever home in an aquarium in the UK.

Olive Ridley Project


Azura ist eine Olive Ridley Meeresschildkröte. Am 2. April 2019 wurde sie in das Rescue Centre des ORP eingeliefert, nachdem sie aus einem Geisternetz befreit wurde. Das Netz hatte ihr Azura is a female Olive Ridley sea turtle. She arrived at the ORP’s Rescue Centre on 2 April 2019, after being rescued from entanglement in ghost gear. The ghost gear had damaged her front left flipper beyond repair and she underwent amputation surgery. Azura also suffered from severe buoyancy syndrome, a condition where she was unable to dive due to air in her lungs and body cavity. Despite this, Azura never gave up. The Rescue Centre team worked tirelessly with the resilient Azura on her slow path to recovery. After 2 years, 8 months and 11 days, she was finally ready to go home and was released into the wild! 

Olive Ridley Project


Am 22. Februar 2022 rettete das ORP Autumn, eine junge Olive Ridley Meeresschildkröte. Sie hattAutumn, a sub-adult Olive Ridley, was rescued from a large ghost net in Baa Atoll and she arrived at our Rescue Centre on 22 February 2022 with a complete loss of her left flipper along with wounds to her right flipper. Due to the great care of the ORP team, Autumn recovered wonderfully and just was diving perfectly within a few days. Then she practised swimming with three flippers until she was allowed to dive back into the open sea on April 17. The ORP attached a satellite tag to her shell to follow her further journey. In the first three weeks since her release, she travelled a good 788 kilometres and completed hundreds of dives, even up to 140 meters deep.

About Bracenet

Fighting against ghost nets

 The oceans are drowning in a flood of plastic waste, almost half of which consists of lost or abandoned fishing nets. Bracenet recovers these so-called ghost nets and upcycles them into beautiful and sustainable fashion accessories. We regularly donate to Healthy Seas to finance further recovery missions and preventive measures and support many other projects for the protection of the oceans and marine life.

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