Roberto Ochoa is a diver and filmmaker, but above all loves the environment and seeks to protect it. As an Ecuadorian, he is particularly concerned about the Galapagos Islands. He has dived there a lot himself and has documented the biodiversity of this unique archipelago with National Geographic. However much beauty he sees, films and displays, he also encounters the dark sides.

In this video you can see a giant manta ray entangled in a ghost net. Roberto rescues it from the threat. Such moments demonstrate the importance of his commitment to the oceans.

World Heritage Galapagos


The Galapagos Islands are diverse but unique. Due to the distance to the mainland, many of the animals and plants that live and thrive here can only be found here. And the diversity underwater is even more impressive! Unfortunately, however, environmental protection struggles with economic interests such as tourism and fishing. Today, more than half of the endemic animal species as well as many plants are considered endangered. As recently as August, more than 260 Chinese ships provoked an uproar when they spent several days fishing at the border of the marine reserve, threatening local biodiversity. Together with Roberto Ochoa, we want to draw attention to issues like this: #sosgalapagos!

galapagos unterwasser bracenet hand

Galapagos Bracenet auf Hand liegend
galapagos Bracenet mit geisternetzen

Galapagos Bracenet 

That is why we are now joining forces to liberate the seas from the haunt of the nets. Every one of these Bracenets means that one less piece of ghost net is drifting through the oceans, thus relieving marine ecosystems and returning marine animals a secure habitat. It also benefits the manta rays and the Galapagos Islands, as we donate 2 € to the Charles Darwin Foundation for each of these Bracenets with the manta ray tag sold. The foundation is committed to protecting the biodiversity on and around the Galapagos Islands. We have been to Galapagos in 2019 as an official partner of the Ocean Expo and have seen the great work the organization is doing, which we would like to support together with Roberto.

Galapagos Bracenet Hand Zeigefinger

About Bracenet

Just like Roberto Ochoa, we first encountered the issue of ghost nets while diving. That was the beginning of Bracenet. Today, we recover ghost nets from depths of up to 50 meters with our partner organizations Ghost Diving and Healthy Seas to save marine life and preserve ecosystems. After they are cleaned in an environmentally friendly way by our partner Nofir, we process them into our Bracenets, dog leashes, rings and more. Each product is handmade in Hamburg and bears the soul of the sea within itself. 

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