4 Reasons Why a Bracenet is Better Than No Bracenet
Have you been thinking about buying a new Bracenet for a while? We also think carefully before we buy a product, after all we want to be confident in our decisions. This is not always easy, especially when it comes to sustainability criteria, and it is worth questioning everything carefully. That is why we have 4 reasons for you here why a Bracenet is better than no Bracenet!
A Bracenet is more sustainable than no Bracenet – after all, it means one less piece of ghost net in the sea and helps protect marine animals and preserve ecosystems.
But see for yourself! Here are our answers to four questions you might be asking yourself right now:
1. Don't fisheries have an incentive to dump more ghost nets in the sea if they know that BRACENET, Healthy Seas and Ghost Diving will recover them anyway?
First of all, this would be a special compliment to our work: because then we would have such a big influence that we all ghost nets But in fact, we offer fisheries a much easier way to get rid of their old nets: they can return them directly to our Netquarter or completely free of charge from our partner Nofir Your incentive? To save the oceans and avoid the high costs of recycling. With your Bracenet you help us process more of these nets.
Once the nets have arrived at our partner Nofir, they are cleaned and sorted by material
2nd Is a Bracenet still sustainable if it is delivered to my door? Even a sustainable product means consumption, right?
If you are a minimalist and want to reduce your consumption as much as possible: hats off to you! But sustainability is not necessarily about abstinence. The challenge is to make consumption more sustainable – and Bracenet is the sustainable alternative to conventional bracelets and at the same time your daily reminder on your wrist for sustainable and conscious purchasing decisions. To avoid shipping, you can also order from one of our Retailer stop by – but we ship all packages within Germany in a climate-neutral manner anyway.
We deliver all our Bracenets in these environmentally friendly organic cotton bags
3. Does my Bracenet really make a difference when up to 1 million tons more ghost nets end up in the oceans every year?
Every Bracenet makes a difference, because with every ghost net recovered, marine animals are saved that would otherwise be caught in the nets, and the net can no longer decompose into dangerous microplastics over the next centuries. At the same time, the bracelet helps to educate people about ghost nets, because without Bracenet, many people would not know about the problem. We also regularly donate to Healthy Seas, Ghost Diving and other great organizations like Sea Shepherd and Shark Allies - a total of over €250,000 so far - and your Bracenet is part of this support.
With concentrated energy, we have already made great progress: Our partner Nofir has already collected over 40,000 tons of old fishing equipment and our partner organizations Healthy Seas and Ghost Diving have recovered more than 773 tons of ghost nets from the seas since 2013. Of these, we have processed almost 7 tons into bracenets and our other products.
Together with Healthy Seas and the volunteer divers from Ghost Diving, we recover ghost nets from depths of up to 50 meters
4. I think Bracenet's mission is great, but shouldn't we tackle all the plastic waste in the ocean?
True, the entire plastic problem in the oceans needs our attention. But it is completely legitimate to focus on one issue - because no one can tackle all the world's challenges at the same time. We are aware of the extent of marine pollution: In the North Pacific alone, there is a plastic island floating that is 4.5 times the size of Germany. What hardly anyone knows is that almost half of it, 46%, consists of old fishing equipment. That is why we focus on recovering ghost nets - that is our approach to fighting for a sustainable future. And we accompany this approach with sustainable production, social commitment and much more.
Underwater, ghost nets are a threat to marine animals and ecosystems – but on land they are colorful and beautiful
Have we convinced you?
We hope that we have been able to answer some of your possible questions. Bracenet stands for environmentally positive consumption and makes a statement for more sustainability visible on your wrist. Take a look at our shop which colors we currently have in our range and what other products we manufacture.