BRACENET: Die Gründungsgeschichte

BRACENET: The Founding Story

In 2015, Benjamin and Madeleine travel to Tanzania and Zanzibar to relax and go diving. What they don't yet know is that, in addition to wonderful holiday memories, they will bring home the exciting story of how BRACENET was founded - and two backpacks full of ghost nets. From the first bracelet to a leisure project and the founding of the company: read on for the whole story behind our work!

How it all began

It is 2015, Benjamin and Madeleine are both firmly anchored in their jobs. He is Head of Marketing for two startups at Bosch, she will soon be Head of Art Buying at BBDO. But for now they are only thinking about vacation, because they are traveling with their backpacks to Tanzania and Zanzibar to switch off and go diving. What they don't yet know is that in addition to wonderful vacation memories, they will bring home the exciting founding story of Bracenet. And that is what we want to tell you in this article.

This is where it all began: Diving off the coast of Zanzibar

The Haunting of the Ghost Net

The water of Zanzibar's coast is beautiful and clear. Perfect for diving, because nothing is hidden here. But alongside the colorful underwater world, less pleasant images soon emerge: Madeleine and Benjamin discover parts of old fishing nets everywhere. They float through the water, wash up on beaches and pose a great danger to the environment. Some animals have even become entangled in the nets and cannot free themselves. The two cannot stand by and do nothing and begin to collect the nets. They don't just want to document the problem, they want to tackle it actively. But how?

Madeleine and Benjamin find old power supplies everywhere

The Brainwave of the Ghost Network

During their initial research, Benjamin and Madeleine quickly learn what these nets are: ghost nets, i.e. fishing nets that have been lost or deliberately sunk into the sea, thousands of which drift through the world's oceans and continue to fish. There is not much more information available on this problem in 2015. But one thing is clear: it urgently needs a solution. Lost in thought, they put a piece of net around their wrist - and see a bracelet in front of them. The idea of ​​Bracenet is born! With their backpacks full of ghost nets and their thoughts full of possible solutions, they return to Germany.

The very first Bracenet, made while on holiday in Zanzibar

The solution lies on the wrist

The vacation is over, but the experiences are still having an impact. During the day, Madeleine and Benjamin are busy with their jobs, and in their free time they pursue their new and most important hobby: hunting and processing ghost nets. With a good hand for handicrafts and a good eye for design, they finally created the prototype of the bracelet. As a clever play on words, combining the English words “bracelet” and “net”, they named it “Bracenet”. In the same year, they founded the company of the same name. Now things are really getting started!

This is what the first product photos of Bracenet looked like

Networked Against the Nets

The basic framework is in place, but the problem is too big for two people alone. Hardly anyone is talking about ghost nets yet, but through intensive research Benjamin and Madeleine come across promising projects. Contact is established, knowledge and ideas are exchanged, and permanent partnerships are soon formed. Bracenet joins forces with Healthy Seas and Ghost Diving to recover nets together, and with Nofir to wash and select the nets in an environmentally friendly way and prepare them for their new life as a bracelet. Lebenshilfewerk Neumünster joins in to assist in the production of the Bracenets.

From the Sea and for the Seas

The idea is finalized: Madeleine and Benjamin make bracenets. They collect ghost nets from the water and upcycle They make beautiful bracelets that draw attention to the problem under water and look good at the same time. They regularly donate to Healthy Seas and Ghost Diving to recover more nets - and thus set a cycle in motion that recovers more and more nets. In keeping with their mission, they developed the slogan: "Save the Seas. Wear a Net". Because with Bracenet, everyone can make their own contribution to protecting the oceans.

Benjamin and Madeleine present the key visual of Bracenet in their apartment. Also there – Tommy the Cat!

Saving the Oceans Full-Time

Two years later, Benjamin and Madeleine are still working in their day jobs. They run the project alongside their work and are diving deeper and deeper into the world of sustainability. Suddenly, a major contract from Telekom comes along, which they can only handle together with friends and family. The response is great, Bracenet is popular, the idea is convincing! The project becomes serious: in 2017, they decide to quit their day jobs and concentrate fully on Bracenet. Today, we are not only active in salvage, but also in prevention work and also upcycle many end-of-life fishing nets directly from fisheries.

The first anniversary

Bracenet has now been around for five years. Madeleine, Benjamin and their project have become a big “we”: With 35 employees, we are freeing the oceans from the specter of nets and are constantly expanding our product range. In addition to the Bracenets, our portfolio includes key chains, dog leashes, rings, mask chains, camera straps and much more. In total, we have already processed over 7 tons of former fishing nets and, together with all supporters, have raised over 190,000 euros in donations for Healthy Seas , Ghost Diving and other organizations such as Sea Shepherd and Shark Allies.

We help others

In short, the founding story of Bracenet looks quite simple. But there is a lot of work behind it and it wasn't always easy. Founding a company is always a challenge, and Benjamin and Madeleine have particularly high standards when it comes to sustainability. Over the years, they and the Bracenet team have become real experts and today we help others with sustainability issues. We advise companies and organizations on how to make processes and products more sustainable and support founders on their way to success. If you are currently founding a social or sustainable startup yourself, please contact us at !

What happens next?

This article looks back at our founding story – but now we are looking to the future! We still have a long way to go to save the oceans and we have a lot planned. Subscribe to our Ocean Club News (bottom of the Home ) to receive regular updates on new products, our product development and information on marine conservation, or follow us on Instagram or Facebook to follow the further story of BRACENET yourself!

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