fighting for sustainability with lectures
Is that even possible? Of course! Every thought has the power to trigger an inner change. Lectures are something like super multipliers of the green message because they reach dozens or even hundreds of people at once. More lectures, more rethinking, more movement in the world.
Quite simply: a lot of experience, expertise and commitment. As a consistently sustainable company, we have been making an important contribution to marine conservation and a greener world for five years, and we know the hurdles and the opportunities. We know how to make a tangible difference with good ideas and how to reach many people with the story, because our founder Benjamin was head of marketing at Bosch and our founder Madeleine headed art buying for large agencies. In addition, there is the specialist knowledge of our employees through their studies in biology and sustainability management, for example, their social and sustainable commitment and their passion for a sustainable world. We want to share all of this in our presentations - because together we can achieve more.
We are widely networked and every lecture expands the network. We have already given our lectures at many trade fairs and events, for example at boot Düsseldorf, the Katag CEO conference and at the Senckenberg Foundation. We have worked with many organizations and companies, from workshops to sustainability consulting, such as the Körber Foundation, Lufthansa and the University of Flensburg. Madeleine and Benjamin were also invited as experts on a research trip by sailboat to Spitsbergen and by the Charles Darwin Foundation to Galapagos. In 2022, we also took part in the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon with BRACENET to share our experiences in the fight for clean seas with the world.
Whether we give presentations at trade fairs and take part in panel discussions or are invited to companies to lead seminars and workshops: We pass on knowledge and create value for the sea, bring concrete solutions and suggest ideas on how people can take action themselves. We adapt our content so that everyone can take as much away with them as possible. But our message always remains the same: Each and every individual can make a positive contribution to sustainability and so we fight together for a better world.

How can you learn from our experiences?
We look forward to your inquiry at hello@bracenet.net and would be happy to come and give a talk on sustainability or marine conservation. Of course, we can also work together in other ways - write to us with your ideas!