
Haie – die Wächter der Ozeane sind bedroht

Sharks – the guardians of the oceans are threat...

Sharks are the guardians of our oceans and are at the top of the food chain. They have survived all five mass extinctions of animals and have evolved over 400...

Sharks – the guardians of the oceans are threat...

Sharks are the guardians of our oceans and are at the top of the food chain. They have survived all five mass extinctions of animals and have evolved over 400...

Der größte Müllstrudel: Das Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The largest garbage vortex: The Great Pacific G...

What do you get if you mentally triple the size of France? A huge area: the estimated size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is a huge garbage patch...

The largest garbage vortex: The Great Pacific G...

What do you get if you mentally triple the size of France? A huge area: the estimated size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is a huge garbage patch...

10 Bücher zum Thema Umweltschutz, die es sich zu lesen lohnt

10 books on environmental protection that are w...

It's cold, windy, wet and grey outside - at least here in Hamburg, and the days until Christmas are numbered. So it's just the right time for good books, tea...

10 books on environmental protection that are w...

It's cold, windy, wet and grey outside - at least here in Hamburg, and the days until Christmas are numbered. So it's just the right time for good books, tea...

Soziale Nachhaltigkeit braucht Gleichberechtigung

Social sustainability requires equality

Team BRACENET: Our team has a good female quota of 80% - but unfortunately that is not the rule. In 2018, ⅔ of all founders were male. In 2019, this...

Social sustainability requires equality

Team BRACENET: Our team has a good female quota of 80% - but unfortunately that is not the rule. In 2018, ⅔ of all founders were male. In 2019, this...

Veganuary: Vegan ins neue Jahr

Veganuary: Vegan into the New Year

We all know them: New Year's resolutions. Many people use the turn of the year to set clear intentions and start the new year as healthily as possible. Resolutions such...

Veganuary: Vegan into the New Year

We all know them: New Year's resolutions. Many people use the turn of the year to set clear intentions and start the new year as healthily as possible. Resolutions such...

The Outlaw Ocean: Die Gesetzlose See – ein Interview mit Ian Urbina

The Outlaw Ocean: The Outlaw Sea – an interview...

Two-thirds of the world's oceans fall outside the jurisdiction of any country - the high seas. Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist and author Ian Urbina has traveled this area...

The Outlaw Ocean: The Outlaw Sea – an interview...

Two-thirds of the world's oceans fall outside the jurisdiction of any country - the high seas. Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist and author Ian Urbina has traveled this area...