Veganuary: Vegan into the New Year
We all know them: New Year's resolutions. Many people use the turn of the year to set clear intentions and start the new year as healthily as possible. Resolutions such as eating healthily and eating less meat are real box office hits. But as is often the case with resolutions, we don't stick to them for long on our own. Try it together with a global community: Veganuary!
We all know them: the good old New Year's resolutions. Many people use the turn of the year to set clear intentions and start the new year as healthily as possible. Resolutions such as conscious eating and less meat consumption are real box office hits. But as is often the case with resolutions, they are often thrown overboard faster than you can blink. The non-profit organization and campaign Veganuary has found the perfect solution for this. Veganuary calls on people worldwide to start the year with 31 days of plant-based nutrition. Goodbye excuses and lack of motivation! Veganuary provides all participants with delicious recipes and practical tips to get started, so that vegan January is not only healthy, but also very tasty! Find out more about Veganuary in this article, why you should definitely take part and where you can find even more tips for the easiest possible start.
Veganuary: What's behind it?
The Veganuary organisation and campaign was launched in Great Britain in 2014 and since then almost a million people from 192 countries have taken part in the 31-day vegan challenge. Celebrities such as Joaquin Phoenix, Paul McCartney and German celebrities such as Hannes Jaenicke and Anne Menden have long been staunch supporters and encourage their fans to take part in Veganuary every year. The organisation also works closely with companies to permanently expand their existing vegan product range, create new menus in restaurants or promote Veganuary and vegan products more intensively.
Our mission is to inspire and support people to create a pure try plant-based diets, drive corporate change toward more vegan products, and create a global movement to promote sustainable food choices”
Good reasons to try vegan
Good for the climate:
It is now nothing new that our diet has an extreme impact on the environment and the ongoing climate change. According to the Federal Office for the Environment Industrial animal husbandry is the main cause of climate-damaging gases. Methane emissions, which can be traced almost entirely to cattle and dairy farming, account for 77 percent of total agricultural emissions. Accordingly, even reduced consumption of certain meat and dairy products can have a significant impact on personal environmental impact
Good for your health:
A balanced plant-based diet can not only be varied, colourful and delicious, but above all it is said to have a health-promoting effect. According to Veganuary, participants repeatedly report that they feel 31-day challenge feel more energetic, have better digestion and the quality of sleep has improved. 98 percent of participants would even recommend Veganuary. But here too it is important to mention that nutrition is something extremely individual and ultimately only personal experience counts. Veganuary offers the perfect framework to get to know the plant-based diet and experience possible health benefits for yourself.
Good for the animals:
The last point is actually obvious, but still absolutely worth mentioning. The decision to eat a plant-based diet is also a decision against animal suffering. Especially in factory farming, the basic needs of the animals are neglected and their freedom of movement is extremely restricted. In Germany, too, around 763 million animals in factory farming and slaughtered after a mostly short lifespan.
The overfishing of the oceans is a big problem. Due to ever increasing fishing, more fish are caught than can be replaced by natural reproduction. According to WWF Around 31 percent of the world’s fish stocks are overfished. Increased fishing not only leads to disturbed ecosystems, but also to more ghost nets in our seas.
Every step counts !
It is particularly important to mention, however, that Veganuary is not about radically changing your lifestyle or about the goal of becoming a perfect vegan. Simply examining your diet, your environment and your values can make a big difference! Even if you just want to cut out some animal products, that's perfectly fine. We all have different backgrounds and needs. Nobody is perfect and everyone has their own pace!
To make the start as easy as possible for you, Veganuary takes you by the hand and provides you with recipes and information. Please take a look at their website again, where you will find everything about a plant-based diet and further facts about the 31-day challenge . To register for Veganuary, click here .
Team BRACENET x Veganuary
We at BRACENET also want to dedicate January to Veganuary! We are incredibly happy to make a positive contribution and support the Veganuary mission. We pay particular attention to ensuring that our products are vegan. Our Bracenets, keychains, etc. are therefore made exclusively with vegan glue!
Within our team, we have also decided to deal intensively with this topic in January. At our Instagram channel We would like to take you with us in January and inform you about topics related to the vegan lifestyle, clear up myths and share facts with you. We are very much looking forward to exchanging ideas with you!
Are you already vegan and looking for a new challenge? We have an idea for you! Try to reduce your plastic consumption even further – here we have 31 tips for you on how to avoid plastic .