10 books on environmental protection that are worth reading
It's cold, windy, wet and grey outside - at least here in Hamburg, and the days until Christmas are numbered. So it's just the right time for good books, tea and a cosy place to sit. That's why we've had a look around for you and are presenting you with 10 books on the subject of environmental protection and sustainability that are worth reading or make wonderful Christmas presents!
The list of books that deal with these topics is incredibly long, so we have put together a colorful mix from a wide variety of areas. It's about facts about the climate crisis, our oceans, new ideas for our world, novels that address the topic and, finally, how you can pay more attention to environmental protection in your everyday life. And for those who are a little lazy when it comes to reading, we recommend 102 green cards to save the world.
Of course, you don’t have to buy the books new, many books can be bought secondhand, for example at booklooker.de , medimops.de , or borrow it from the library. If you can't find it there, we recommend you contact your local bookstore or a social bookstore on the Internet such as buch7.de to support.
Now we can get started!
Outcry of the Seas by Hannes Jaenicke and Dr. Ina Knobloch
We at Bracenet fight every day for clean seas and the associated preservation of biodiversity. Hannes Jaenicke, environmentalist and Bracenet fan, and Ina Knobloch, science journalist, dedicate their book not only to the oceans, but also to the lakes, rivers, their inhabitants and, above all, to those responsible for the problems in our waters and ecosystems - people. Cry of the Seas In addition to the problems we are familiar with, such as the plastic flood, it also deals with lesser-known disasters in our oceans, such as a plague affecting starfish in California, the death of coral in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and, of course, the exploitation of the oceans by humans through deep-sea mining or the clearing of underground kelp forests. Whole chapters are dedicated to many sea creatures, such as seahorses, rays, sharks and octopuses.
Scientific facts are mixed with personal anecdotes and marine myths and are intended to encourage consumers and especially politicians to take action. At the end, Jaenicke and Knoblauch give us interested readers “99 theses for saving the oceans and the climate”. Come on! It is high time to act.
Heißzeit by Mojib Latif
Mojib Latif, professor at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel and one of Germany’s leading scientists on climate change, is according to Deutschlandfunk Kultur in his book hot period angry and lets out his anger about the inaction of politicians in the climate crisis. He looks at physical facts, climate models, movements such as Fridays for Future, but also climate skeptics and deniers. Latif also addresses the current effects of the corona crisis on how we deal with climate change and makes it clear that the necessary financial resources would be there if politicians wanted them. hot period is a plea that wants to argue but also encourage, because, according to Latif, many solutions to deal with the impending climate catastrophe have long existed. Climate protection is not a restriction on life, but opens up new possibilities for individual citizens, the economy and society. A book for all those who also believe that politics must act - and now!
Utopias for Realists – Rutger Bregman
Or would you rather think much bigger and further? What are the big ideas today, asks Rutger Bregman, and which of them did we think were impossible 100 years ago? Abolition of slavery, functioning democracies? Today the challenges are different and sometimes seem no less surmountable. But not for Bregman! In Utopias for Realists he shows why our future can only get better. For him, the 15-hour week, the unconditional basic income and open borders are possible solutions on the way there. So, if you could use a little inspiration for 2021 and beyond, especially now in these gloomy times, then this book is highly recommended - and also so that utopias do not remain just utopias.
The Story of Bees by Maja Lunde
“Like deformed birds, we balanced on our branches, the plastic container in one hand, the feather brush in the other.” – so begins the novel by Maja Lunde and promises to be exciting. What would a world without bees look like?
If you would rather immerse yourself in a story with some dystopian elements during this contemplative time, then you have come to the right place. Lunde describes the importance of bees for the environment and thus for us humans in her three narrative strands in different countries and eras. We are shown in a stirring way that we are already in the eye of the storm and what effects our actions have on nature.
If you are still interested in learning more about this topic, you can continue reading. The History of Water is Lunde's second novel, which deals with the elemental power of water and its finiteness.
The Secret Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
Forest walks have become popular pastimes, especially during the Corona pandemic. So why not learn more about our forests? Wohlleben has been a forester for more than 20 years and wants to tell us about our forests in his book the secret life of trees by describing the forest as a community and attributing almost human characteristics to the trees. Trees network, communicate and care for weaker trees - anyone who can get involved in Wohlleben's style can certainly learn a lot about our forests and the role they play in the climate crisis. And for those who are a bit lazy when it comes to reading: The book was made into a film in early 2020! If that's still not enough for you, you can also a piece of beech forest lease for the next 50 years.
Strandgut aus Plastik by Jennifer Timrott
Sure, we know that huge amounts of ghost nets and plastic are floating through the seas, but what kind of objects are they? Jennifer Timrott asked herself that too and wrote this book. She lives on the North Frisian island of Hallig Hooge and is therefore confronted with washed-up plastic waste every day. In her book plastic flotsam Timrott presents 40 of the typical beach finds that can be found on the German North Sea coast. We learn where the items come from, how long the individual pieces of plastic take to decompose, and what can happen during the decomposition process. The effects on marine life are also shown. A small guide that clearly illustrates the plastic problem in our seas and makes it tangible for us. Jennifer Timrott has also founded the association "Coast against Plastic" founded – for a future without plastic waste in the sea.
Simply Sustainable Living by Julia Zohren
There are an incredible number of books about how we can all live a little more sustainably. For this list, we have chosen the book by Julia Zohren. In Simply live sustainably she gives over 100 tips for all areas of life to make the world a little bit better. Of course, it's about avoiding plastic, but also about making your own cleaning products or cosmetics, moving around greener and living greener, building insect hotels or distributing seed bombs, and even ecological and ethical banks. Of course, there are also important facts about climate change, plastic waste and the ecological footprint. We think it's a wonderful book for beginners, advanced users and anyone who wants to make their life a little more conscious in 2021.
Zero Waste Kitchen by Veronika Pichl
Christmas is just around the corner and for many of us that means eating, eating, eating. Of course, the festive meal is not comparable to our normal meals during the rest of the year, but we are still sure to ask ourselves: What do we do with the carrot or radish greens, the broccoli stalk or the cauliflower leaves? That is exactly what Zero Waste Kitchen . Veronika Pichl declares war on food waste and shows us creative recipes with which we can use almost all the parts of our fruit and vegetables. Pichl also gives useful tips on how to store certain foods and how we can better plan our shopping. So let's get to the stove! When we at Bracenet are allowed to cook together again in the Netquarter sometime in 2021, we will take a closer look at this.
FAIRreisen by Frank Hermann
The Corona pandemic has certainly thwarted some of our travel plans over the past year and now we are plagued by wanderlust. But we are sure that at some point we can start again! So now would be exactly the right time to take a closer look at sustainable tourism and that is exactly what Frank Hermann does in his book Fair travel . What exactly does it mean to travel in an environmentally conscious way? How can not only we as holidaymakers, but also the people in the holiday countries, nature and the oceans benefit from it? How many CO2 emissions do the different forms of travel cause? What is the problem with cruise ships and dolphinariums? And what are seals for sustainable tourism? Hermann shows the many facets of sustainable tourism. In addition, we are of course given numerous practical tips for our next trip, as well as numerous useful addresses and links. Therefore, a book for everyone who likes to travel and cares about our planet. And since the next trip is probably still a while away, we have plenty of time to plan!
102 Green Cards to Save the World from Katapult Verlag (ed.)
Because pictures, maps or graphics sometimes say more than any full page of a book or 1000 words and there are also those among us who are lazy readers, we have 102 Green Cards to Save the World How much forest would we have to plant to make the world CO2 neutral? How many SUVs and e-scooters are there? Which city invests the most money in cycle paths? How many people are actually killed by sharks and how many sharks are killed by people? A mixture of enlightening, shocking, but also encouraging maps provide answers to all these and many more questions. The young team of the KATAPULT magazine from Greifswald makes science clear, questions perspectives and provides arguments at the same time. Perhaps just the right gift for relatives who still don't really want to deal with the climate crisis.
Have fun with our book tips on environmental protection! Have we forgotten any important books? Feel free to write to us, we are always happy to receive input! If you are interested in good marine documentaries or DIYs If you are interested, take a look here.