
10 nachhaltige Geschenkideen zu Weihnachten, die unsere Meere schützen

10 sustainable Christmas gift ideas that protec...

Receiving gifts makes you happy. But giving gifts to others makes you even happier! Small gifts that also have meaning are particularly valuable. So that you don't have to desperately...

10 sustainable Christmas gift ideas that protec...

Receiving gifts makes you happy. But giving gifts to others makes you even happier! Small gifts that also have meaning are particularly valuable. So that you don't have to desperately...

Dolly Ropes – Materialschutz statt Umweltschutz?

Dolly Ropes – Material protection instead of en...

If you enjoy spending time on the German North Sea coast, you are familiar with the weather, wind and waves. Another sight will also be familiar to you: small plastic...

Dolly Ropes – Material protection instead of en...

If you enjoy spending time on the German North Sea coast, you are familiar with the weather, wind and waves. Another sight will also be familiar to you: small plastic...

Aquarien und Zoos — Orte des Scheinwissens?

Aquariums and zoos – places of pseudo-knowledge?

Trips to tropical aquariums and zoos are still a popular leisure destination today. Most families justify their visit by saying that their children should learn something about the animals' way...

Aquariums and zoos – places of pseudo-knowledge?

Trips to tropical aquariums and zoos are still a popular leisure destination today. Most families justify their visit by saying that their children should learn something about the animals' way...

Kreuzfahrt – der perfekte Ort für ein Verbrechen?

Cruise – the perfect place for a crime?

A cruise - that sounds like cocktails at the bar, relaxing hours on deck and new travel destinations. But if you look behind the scenes, you'll see that a cruise...

Cruise – the perfect place for a crime?

A cruise - that sounds like cocktails at the bar, relaxing hours on deck and new travel destinations. But if you look behind the scenes, you'll see that a cruise...

Black Friday? Wir feiern Circular Monday!

Black Friday? We celebrate Circular Monday!

Every year on Black Friday, shops lure in customers with discounts, but Circular Monday goes against this - and focuses on renting, repairing and upcycling. Find out more!

Black Friday? We celebrate Circular Monday!

Every year on Black Friday, shops lure in customers with discounts, but Circular Monday goes against this - and focuses on renting, repairing and upcycling. Find out more!

Woher kommen die Fischernetze bei 7vs. Wild?

Where do the fishing nets come from in 7vs. Wild?

The third season of 7 vs. Wild is exciting - and shocking. The entire coast of the lonely island is littered with plastic waste, with every tide bringing more of...

Where do the fishing nets come from in 7vs. Wild?

The third season of 7 vs. Wild is exciting - and shocking. The entire coast of the lonely island is littered with plastic waste, with every tide bringing more of...