
Nachhaltigkeit - nobody is perfect

Sustainability - nobody is perfect

If you want to be sustainable, you have to live a vegan lifestyle, stop driving a car and ban plastic from all areas of your life. And if you get...

Sustainability - nobody is perfect

If you want to be sustainable, you have to live a vegan lifestyle, stop driving a car and ban plastic from all areas of your life. And if you get...

Das 1×1 der Fischernetze

The 1×1 of Fishing Nets

If you browse through our shop, you'll quickly notice that our products all look different: They come in many different colors, are of different thicknesses and sometimes have one, sometimes...

The 1×1 of Fishing Nets

If you browse through our shop, you'll quickly notice that our products all look different: They come in many different colors, are of different thicknesses and sometimes have one, sometimes...

Plastic Free July: 31 Tipps, wie du auf Plastik verzichten kannst

Plastic Free July: 31 tips on how to avoid plastic

It's Plastic Free July! But you still don't know exactly how to (further) reduce your plastic consumption? We're happy to help you and give you 31 tips to declare war...

Plastic Free July: 31 tips on how to avoid plastic

It's Plastic Free July! But you still don't know exactly how to (further) reduce your plastic consumption? We're happy to help you and give you 31 tips to declare war...

9 Gründe, warum Bioplastik keine nachhaltige Alternative ist

9 Reasons Why Bioplastics Are Not a Sustainable...

Whether in the supermarket, at the salad counter, in online shops or even with food to go: so-called “bioplastic” is advertised everywhere as the environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. Maybe...

9 Reasons Why Bioplastics Are Not a Sustainable...

Whether in the supermarket, at the salad counter, in online shops or even with food to go: so-called “bioplastic” is advertised everywhere as the environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. Maybe...

4 Gründe, warum ein Bracenet besser als kein Bracenet ist

4 Reasons Why a Bracenet is Better Than No Brac...

Have you been thinking about buying a new Bracenet for a while? We also think carefully before we buy a product, after all we want to be confident in our...

4 Reasons Why a Bracenet is Better Than No Brac...

Have you been thinking about buying a new Bracenet for a while? We also think carefully before we buy a product, after all we want to be confident in our...

9 Fischsiegel im Überblick: Können wir ihnen vertrauen?

9 Fish Labels at a Glance: Can We Trust Them?

Does sustainable fishing even exist and are the various sustainability certifications credible? Let's take a closer look at the fish labels! To do this, we put on our critical glasses...

9 Fish Labels at a Glance: Can We Trust Them?

Does sustainable fishing even exist and are the various sustainability certifications credible? Let's take a closer look at the fish labels! To do this, we put on our critical glasses...