Q&A von BRACENET zur Fashion Revolution Week

Q&A from BRACENET about Fashion Revolution Week

Fashion Revolution fights for a world in which the fashion industry values ​​people, the environment, creativity and profit equally and we know the faces behind our clothes and accessories. As part of Fashion Revolution Week, Benjamin and Madeleine from our founding team will go live on Instagram for a Q&A on April 23, 2020! What have you always wanted to ask us?

As part of Fashion Revolution Week, our founding team of Madeleine and Benjamin live on Instagram for a Q&A !

What is Fashion Revolution Week?

Over 100 billion items of clothing are produced worldwide every year – and each of us has on average over 100 in our closet. But do you know where they come from and who made them?

Fashion Revolution fights for a world in which the fashion industry values ​​people, the environment, creativity and profit equally and we know the faces behind our clothes and accessories. The global movement was born after the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh on April 24, 2013, which left over 1,100 dead and 2,500 injured. A lack of transparency and a lack of appreciation for the work that goes into our clothes allowed the unsafe conditions that led to this tragedy.

In the fight for change and responsibility, Fashion Revolution relies on transparency: so that all workers have a face and a voice, are paid fairly and can work in a safe environment. In the week surrounding the anniversary of the disaster, people from all over the world come together and demand that neither people nor the environment are exploited for clothing: Fashion Revolution Week. In 2019 alone, 1,800 events took place in 60 countries during this week. The global commitment of the last few years is showing success: the  Fashion Transparency Index of the tested brands has already increased by 9% from 2017 to 2019.

Why and how do we participate in Fashion Revolution Week?

We know how much work goes into clothing and accessories, and we see how much is thrown away - both in terms of clothing and respect. We are taking action against this and stand for slow fashion and appreciation. As part of the Fashion Revolution, we believe in the power of transparency: to be honest with yourself, to drive change and to show others how to do things better.

That’s why we want to answer everything that’s on your mind or on your mind: At a live Q&A with our founding team of Madeleine and Benjamin!

Where? Our Instagram channel
When? April 23rd – 6 pm

Here’s how you can take part in Fashion Revolution Week yourself:

You too can make your contribution to the fashion revolution and demand more transparency from brands: Write them an email ( here you will find a template), tag them on Twitter with the questions #WhoMadeMyClothes and #WhatsInMyClothes or post a selfie on Instagram with the poster #WhoMadeMyClothes .

Transparent brands show the faces behind their products. We introduce you to all of our employees on our social media channels!

You can learn more here:

About Fashion Revolution
10-point manifesto
Events in Fashion Revolution Week

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