From 12,90 

Get creative and make your own unique bracelet from the enclosed Baltic Sea fishing net.

Jedes Bracenet ist ein Unikat mit Geschichte

Your one-of-a-kind piece made from fishing net.

Your contribution to saving the seas

Genuine craftsmanship.

BRACENET DIY KIT Baltic Sea – Your own bracelet made from fishing net

Have you always wanted to know what you can do yourself when you find fishing nets on the beach? With the BRACENET DIY KIT you now have the chance! Get creative and make your own from found fishing nets or the enclosed Baltic Sea net, unique bracelet.

The kit contains:

  • High-quality twist clasps made of stainless steel in black, rose gold or silver with the Bracenet logo. Available in sets of 1, 2 or 3 clasps.
  • One piece of “Baltic Sea” fishing net, approx. 30 cm per clasp
  • An opportunity to enter your net find with name and location – the perfect reminder of your cleanup.
  • A tape measure to make sure your BRACENET fits perfectly.
Your contribution counts! Every purchase helps to remove ghost nets from our oceans.

This is how it works:

  1. Get active: Go to a beach and collect fishing nets or use the enclosed piece of net from BRACENET.
  2. Create your own bracelet: with the high-quality stainless steel twist clasps in black, rose gold or silver, you can turn the net into a cool bracelet. You can also find a video and step-by-step instructions here!
  3. Share your story: Visit to tell us about your find and your creation. Inspire others to join in and save the oceans.


Because your commitment makes the difference.

Our oceans are beautiful, but they need our help. Lost fishing nets endanger marine life and disrupt ecosystems. With the BRACENET DIY KIT, you can do something about it right away.

It ‘s more than just a product – it ‘s your chance to to take action and protect our planet. With your commitment you help, ghost nets from the sea and give them them a new life as a stylish accessory.  

Order now and get started!

BRACENET – Save the seas. Wear a net.